Introducing the Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) DIY Kit

For those of you who prefer to 3D print your chassis, we are following up on the successful launch of the Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) - Beta with the XRP DIY Kit. Also, spare parts are now available individually.

In the summer of 2023, we launched the Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) - Beta. This comprehensive introduction to robotics includes the kit; online instructional modules developed by Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI); and a coding environment that includes Blockly tools/libraries, MicroPython, and the FIRST® Robotics coding development tool, WPILib (the board is also Arduino® compatible). The platform has experienced rapid adoption and several users have requested a kit without the chassis/plastic parts and support for them to 3D print their own. In response, we are happy to introduce the XRP DIY Kit.

Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) - DIY Kit - Beta


Getting Started with the DIY Kit: Kit and Files on Printables

If you choose to go the DIY Kit route, simply order the kit (educators and FIRST Robotics teams receive substantial discounts, just like the original kit) and go to Printables or GitHub for the 3D print files. One of the benefits of using the Printables files is that the folks at WPI have been iterating on the chassis and other plastic parts based on user feedback - you will get the latest iteration when you use these files.

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3D-Printable Components of the XRP Robot on Printables

How Is the DIY Kit Being Used

We have been able to get some early versions of the DIY kit into the hands of users; some examples of how it is being used:

  • New Hampshire Schools (N.H. Rev. Stat. § 200-O:5) - New Hampshire schools have embarked on an exciting STEM initiative, introducing 5,500 XRP kits into grades 6-12 classrooms. This innovative program goes beyond merely bringing robots into the educational environment. In collaboration with Community Colleges and Career and Technical Education centers (CTEs), it utilizes the XRP DIY kit to foster a real-world manufacturing experience. This approach not only enriches the curriculum but also provides a hands-on approach to STEM education, effectively bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. This initiative is a forward-thinking step towards integrating dynamic and interactive STEM learning experiences in schools.

  • Leverage Your Local MakerSpaces and Libraries - For those of you that want to use the XRP DIY kit but do not have your own 3D Printer - check with your local library and makerspace…3D Printers are often available at these locations. MAKE: has published a helpful interactive map to locate a makerspace near you.

  • Just create! - Not all robots look like vehicles and have wheels. Use the XRP DIY kit to unleash your imagination and create a completely new robot.

Individual/Replacement Parts Now Available for XRP

Based on user feedback, we are also releasing individual XRP parts. Here is everything available for XRP:

Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) Kit - Beta


Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) - DIY Kit - Beta


Hobby Motor with Encoder - Plastic Gear (Pair, Red)


Ultrasonic Distance Sensor - 3.3V (HC-SR04)


Battery Holder - 4xAA to Barrel Jack Connector


SparkFun Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) Controller - Beta


Flexible Qwiic Cable - Female Jumper (4-pin, Heat Shrink)


Servo - Generic, 180° Rotation (Sub-Micro Size)


Line Follower Sensor


Caster (2-Pack)


O-Ring (2-Pack)


Experiential Robotics Platform (XRP) Chassis with Plastic Parts - Beta


We are quite excited about all the possibilities this kit opens in terms of both creativity and accessibility. Be sure to check it out and let us know what you do with your XRP.