Sew LED strips into a fur vest for Halloween, Burning Man or any event that calls for furry lights.
Interview with the SNAP project creator.
Not working as expected? Luckily, we have a tutorial about where to start looking and will explore a few general troubleshooting tips that frequently come up in SparkFun’s technical support department!
My dream has always been to create a robotic jack-o'-lantern. Unfortunately life often gets in the way, and I never make it happen in time for Halloween. Today, I start a project I can build onto as I go.
A look at the design considerations of rebuilding the fiber optic mounts for my light suit to accommodate new fiber optics and LEDs
SparkFun offers several options in the USB-Serial arena. Today we'll attempt to demystify the differences between them.
It's a quiet week around here; let's revisit some livelier times!
A look into how to decide when a knob has moved, so that your program can take an action.