We've created an iOS and Android app that calculates if the power requirements of a linear regulator cause the temperature of the device to rise to unsafe, component-damaging levels.
Using slow shutter-speed photography to capture sound waveforms
The most complicated, over-the-top, MacGyver-Van Damme'd remote-controlled laser!
These Raspberry Pi tips and Python tricks let you take your sensing projects off the desk and into the wild with wireless transmission and processing of data.
Check out the new and improved, tightened-up SparkFun Eagle libraries - now with uniformity, verified packages and documentation!
We rag on the patent system pretty often here in Open-Source-Landia. Let's take a look at a few positive contributions patent holders are trying to make to our lives!
Create your very own levitating light with just a handful of parts.
I started with a PiRetrocade kit and kept adding until I had a major appliance on my hands: my very own full-size arcade cabinet!