Two new XBee3 boards are available, along with an Atmospheric Qwiic Sensor, a Raspberry Pi Zero W with headers, and some mountable USB cables.
Two new iFixit kits are available, along with two new ESP8266 Thing Starter Kits!
A new lightning detector is here, along with the Google Coral and a few DMX cables!
The SparkFun Edge is now shipping! With it, we also have a new DMX to LED Shield for your SparkFun Thing Plus, the new Taz Pro 3D Printer, high-grade flex sensors from Bend Labs, and some headers and cables!
The Sphero RVR and its Autonomous Robotics Kits are available for pre-order, along with the NVIDIA Jetson Nano. Also, since you asked for it: Arduino Pro Mini Starter Kits!
The new SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus is here along with another Qwiic Transparent OLED! Let's also take another look at the SparkFun Edge, as well!
This week we have a new Qwiic Proximity Sensor and a revision to the popular SIK for Photon!
A new, red version of the Qwiic OpenLog, a mini flight controller, a WiFi camera module and XBee 3s!
The new RPLIDAR is here, and a new WiFi IR board "blasts" onto the scene!