The SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band is now available along with an assembled version of our MOSFET Power Control Kit!
The BMP384 Pressure Sensor is the newest board to join the Qwiic ecosystem but don't forget about our new RP2040 options, too!
Yesterday, we announced the new version of the RTK Facet. Today, we take a look at some new Arduino products!
Or do, we aren't your parent. This week, we have a new 8 Channel Level Shifter, a version of our famous OpenLog Artemis, and some new USB-C cables, and we'll see what SparkX is up to!
10BASE-T1L Two-Wire Ethernet comes to MicroMod in the form of a new Function Board and Kit. Make sure to check out our new Third Hand offerings, too!
We have a rather unique slew of new products this week including Qwiic PIR Kits, a Satellite Transceiver Breakout, GNSS-RTK Accessories, CNC Machines, and more!
Two new kits for MyoWare 2.0 are now available along with new Carbide 3D products and a few odds and ends!
The new Alorium Sno M2 Processor joins the MicroMod family along with a multitude of new kits!
Four new dToF Qwiic Imagers using two different chip sets from AMS are now available!
A new BME688 Sensor is now available along with a Raspberry Pi Pico Display Kit and the new Oak-D LITE!