The Raspberry Pi 4 is here, and so is Week Two of Two Weeks of Free! And new micro:bit accessory boards! Exciting!
We released the FCC Certified Artemis this Wednesday, and now we want to talk to you about a special sale we are having to celebrate!
Two new XBee3 boards are available, along with an Atmospheric Qwiic Sensor, a Raspberry Pi Zero W with headers, and some mountable USB cables.
As announced yesterday, our JetBot Kits are now shipping, along with our DLI Course Kit. Let's take a closer look!
New versions of the Teensy Audio Adaptor and the EasyVR 3 Shield are here, along with a new HC-SR04 Distance Sensor and a SparkFun-made 16GB NOOBS Card.
We've revised our AS3935 Lightning Detector, and we have a new Level Translator Breakout!
A Qwiic-enabled Ambient Light Sensor is here, along with an updated LilyPad LED board!
The new version of the SparkFun Raspberry Pi Servo HAT is here in pHAT form, along with a new OBD-II device and TRRS connectors!
The new Raspberry Pi Qwiic Starter Kit is here, along with new 3D printing products from Lulzbot. We round out the day with six new reversible USB cables!