A new all-in-one meter with a catchy name, another book written by SparkFun and a well-deserved revision.
Today we officially announce our new micro:bit product line!
The new Pi Zero W has made its way to SparkFun, along with everything you need to connect it up!
Our new ESP32 Thing Environment Shield shines brightly today, along with the new 1Sheeld+, a new version of our Soil Moisture Sensor and a medium-sized heatsink!
Three new high-grade audio HATs for your Raspberry Pi and eight new ways to light up your next e-textile project. It's Friday...let's go!
It's the first Friday of summer, and we are proud to bring you the highly acclaimed micro:bit Go Bundle and three beginner electronics kits!
This is the last product post of spring, so we are sending it off with a bang with the new tinyTILE, a micro:bit battery pack, two new STEMTera options and plenty more!
This Friday, a new Power Control Shield and headers for the ESP32 Thing, Thermal Gap Filler, and a few little bits and bobs.
A new revision of the popular ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor and four handy Clincher connectors!
More tools! This week we have plenty of hand tools to show off! Enjoy!