In this follow-up, I’ll show you the (mostly) finished project, talk about what I used, what I learned along the way, and just how much fun it is to have a robot that throws candy bars with unwavering accuracy and consistency.
Two new Qwiic Alphanumeric Displays are now available in pink and green, a new Qwiic Motor Driver Kit is here, and we take another look at Raspberry Pi's newest HAT.
A new Pulsed Radar Breakout is available, along with a new robotics kit, RTK kit and more!
It seems this Halloween we once again have additional considerations to take into account. I'm focusing on handing out candy to trick-or-treaters while maintaining proper social distancing.
The JetBot AI Kit v3.0 is here along with a new version of our RP2040 Pro Micro.
The new Qwiic OpenLog Kit is now available, along with a new Qwiic Cellular Notecarrier. Be sure to check out the new Otto DIY Kits, as well!
How I made a simple linear motion system using MicroMod, Qwiic breakouts, and 3D printed parts.
Check out our new QuickLogic Thing Plus FPGA board, or one of the eight new Shapeoko 4 products we just got in stock!
Learn about Jaime Carrejo's installation "Waiting," and how we went about building a kinetic installation art piece.
In The Princess Bride, Westley explains to Buttercup that the name is the important thing for inspiring the necessary fear. Well, the creepy head doesn’t need any help in that department, but we decided to give it a name anyway.