We're shipping the SparkFun JetBot AI Kit (with and without a Jetson Nano), as well as a Deep Learning Institute Course Kit to help you dive into machine learning and artificial intelligence!
The Longmont Innovation Center hosted a great event, focused on building community and sparking interest in STEM education!
Control a robot wirelessly with your hand using XBees, Arduino and an accelerometer.
Recently, a team from the St. Vrain Innovation Center assembled its first custom PCB design with the help of SparkFun. This is the story behind their project and their experience.
Control your RedBot programmed with Arduino using the wireless joystick and a pair of XBees!
The Sphero RVR and its Autonomous Robotics Kits are available for pre-order, along with the NVIDIA Jetson Nano. Also, since you asked for it: Arduino Pro Mini Starter Kits!
Control your micro:bot wirelessly using MakeCode's radio blocks.
An overview of America's most eclectic robotics competition