The newest version of the robotics kit powered by Jetson Nano is now available!
Learn about servo control from our newest electronics information page!
Our newest version of the micro:bot kit is available today, along with two new products for your Raspberry Pi.
We updated some code for the micro:bot kit to help debug and interpret line following sensor readings using the MakeCode Console.
Deck out your Sphero RVR robot with a Raspberry Pi Zero W, remote pan-tilt camera, and some Qwiic components!
New kits for Sphero RVR are now shipping, and the micro:bit Club Kit and new PICkit 4 are available too! We also have a special surprise for the last day of our Week of Deals Sale...
An introduction to creating an autonomous lawnmower.
A new Feather-compatible Artemis Thing Plus is available, along with the SparkFun Edge 2! We also have a new Qwiic-enabled Motor Driver and a USB 2.0 microphone.
As announced yesterday, our JetBot Kits are now shipping, along with our DLI Course Kit. Let's take a closer look!