Monitor your weather station remotely with a second micro:bit!
We took two of our biggest robotics partnerships from the previous year and combined them into one powerful robot.
Using the Qwiic pHAT v2.0's general purpose button to safely reboot or shutdown your Raspberry Pi with the help of a Python script.
Let's take a look at some of our favorite tutorials to help you learn at home!
We updated some code for the micro:bot kit to help debug and interpret line following sensor readings using the MakeCode Console.
How to add simple animations with LEDs to your projects using Arduino!
Deck out your Sphero RVR robot with a Raspberry Pi Zero W, remote pan-tilt camera, and some Qwiic components!
Last week, we showed a classroom of fifty-five developers how easy it is to work with the SparkFun Edge Development Board using the Arduino IDE. Now we want to show you, too!
Develop in Freedom Studio or Zephyr RTOS with the SparkFun RED-V