Halloween Costume Contest Winners

Check out the winners from the 2012 SparkFun Halloween Costume Contest!

We had some great entries for our Halloween Costume Contest. It was awesome to see so many amazing costumes, all chock full of electronics. It made picking our winners really difficult. But, promises are promises, and we've chosen a first place ($200 SparkFun dollars), a second place ($100 SparkFun dollars), and a third place winner ($50 SparkFun dollars).

So here we go...starting with third place we have...



Marvin's EL wire costume. Ok, so we're suckers for EL wire, but this is really cool. I mean...look at it! Sam uses an Arduino Uno, a bunch of EL wire, the EL Escudo, and a handful of other bits and pieces. Nice work, Sam!

In second place...



We have Jerome's Horus helmet from the movie/TV show Stargate. The helmet is animatronic and has moving head and fans and the eyes light up. Inside there is an Arduino Pro Mini that controls the LED eyes and the five servos that make it move. He crafted the helmet out of foam and paper mache, and did a fantastic job of painting it. Great job, Jerome!

And finally, in first place we have...



Matthew's magic mirror costume! This is a perfect example of a contest that doesn't really use much (if anything?) from SparkFun but is really cool. The Magic Mirror Halloween costume runs off of a dissected (and battery-powered) computer monitor mounted to a piece of plexiglass coated with two way mirror window tint. This is driven by a laptop carried inside the costume and a pair of USB number pads mounted inside, re-mapped to allow for control of the face. The face is able to appear/disappear, talk, and has four different expressions. When the face disappears, the mirror actually functions like a mirror (not just a blank screen). Uh...YES! Plus Matthew did a great write-up of his build that you can see here.

Thank you to all those who participated! Winners - keep an eye on your email for your prizes!