Light Bar Controller

Adam creates a light bar controller inside a SparkFun box.

Checkout this compact LED light bar controller created by Adam Greig!

Sound is picked up by an electret mic, amplified with an opamp, and then ADC'd to an ATtiny microcontroller. The ATtiny in turn pulses a MOSFET to control the sink current to a LED array. A simple design implemented well.

Adam has posted the Eagle files as well as some stellar photos and a video of the box in action. If you've ever wondered how to do audio and LED control with a microcontroller, this is a great example project. Adam's got a great electronics related site as well so be sure to poke around.
Do we also mention we're completely enthralled he re-used his SparkFun box for a greater good? Nice job Adam!

Interested in learning more about LEDs?

See our LED page for everything you need to know to start using these components in your project.

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