CTP's Snarky Buttons
Funny buttons created by jack-of-all-trades Christopher Palmer.
Snarky Buttons are a creation by friend and colleague
CTP has been doing amazing work with Arts Engineering,
Fire Arts Festival,
Steampunk Treehouse,
the Crucible, etc, etc. But I nearly fell out of my seat when he sent the link to his new site for Snarky McF*** Buttons.
These buttons are hilarious! However they may offend, confuse, or be otherwise inappropriate for the general public and are not suitable for geeks under 13 years of age. You've been warned, so now
go visit!
I understand many of the buttons.
A few take some thought.
Other buttons have
Burning Man connotations. Bacon tastes really good after four days in the desert. And still other buttons that I cannot explain, here. Everyone needs a button!