New Product Friday: Takin' Edi to the Max

An itsy-bitsy WiFi adapter and a new pcDuino revision. TGIF!

Welcome back to yet another Friday New Product Post. We have a lighter week for you folks but you should love what is available. Let's continue downward and find out what we have!

Edimax WiFi Adapter (EW-7811UN)


The Edimax WiFi Adapter is a nano-sized USB wireless adapter that supports maximum range and speed when connected to your local network. Despite the size, this tiny USB adapter supports a data rate of up to 150Mbps when connected with a wireless 802.11n device. Simply plug it into any USB port and enjoy incredible high-speed wireless network access. This WiFi adapter is even natively supported by the Raspberry Pi, and is probably the most reliable networking tool available for the development platform! In fact we are carrying this little guy for the express purpose of being used with your Raspberry Pi!

pcDuino3B - Dev Board


The pcDuino3B is that same board you know and love from its previous iteration. The pcDuino3B still has every feature that the pcDuino3 had but now with an upgraded RJ45 Ethernet connection of 10/100/1000 Mbps from the pcDuino3's 10/100Mbps.

That's it for this week, folks. We hope you enjoy the new WiFi adapter and the new pcDuino rev, we certainly have been. We will check back in with you next week with more new products. See you then!