A handy compendium of all our favorite (free!) Edison resources.
Edison Week continues today with a catalog of every Edison resource you could possibly need – all in one place! Stuck deciding which products you need to get started? We've got you covered. Wondering where to go once you've turned the thing on? We can help. Dreaming of building an object-detecting robot, powered by your Edison? Yeah, we've got that too. Read on for our favorite tutorials, videos, projects and products to help you dive headfirst and with confidence into the Sea of Edison!
And, in the interest of space and bandwidth, you can find our entire Getting Started with Edison video series here, and our two-part series of Google Hangouts with Intel on the Edison here and here.
You can also find hook-up guides and more information on each of the SparkFun Blocks for Intel Edison here.
And, if you want to go straight to the goodies, the button below will take you to our...
Need help with something we didn't cover? Leave a request in the comments below and we'll see if we can't get something going to help you!