We rigged up a web cam on the pick and place for the day. Take a look and see what we're building.
Check out what we're building on the pick and place machine at SparkFun!
Realize there's usually an amount of down time between builds, so please be patient. This morning was a break while the machine got broken down and cleaned. The cleaning process maintains the tolerances of the linear rails and placement capabilities. Cleaning takes about 30 minutes and is completed after every 40 hours of production use.
We'll let you guess as to what we're actually building at the moment. But here's today's build schedule to give you a hint.
We're not sure if this will be a permanent camera (let us know what you think) but we're trying to get the web cam setup for Stencil Class on this Wednesday. If we can get the broadcast working, we'll be on ustream.tv/channel/sparkfun-electronics-classroom.