Check out what Spark Fun customers are doing with their Arduinos.
The Critical Corset is a social experiment that studies the laws of attraction. Using a Polar HRM and Arduino, the corset detects an increase in your heart rate and compensates by tightening and giving you that attractive posture desirable to the opposite sex. Very interesting Vanessa Carpenter!
Here is a project that reminds me of that creepy mirror in PeeWee's Playhouse. This project uses an Arduino and a proximity sensor to detect when someone stands in front of the Magic Mirror to display certain messages or faces. Thanks Al Linke! is a neat blog that is all about Arduinos. Complete with code, instructables, project notes, and user projects. Check it out!
After you purchase your Arduino or any SparkFun widget, we do suggest you at least recycle your Spark Fun shipping boxes. OR turn them into a speakerboxs. Nice work Michael Spiceland!