Walking Through Shenzhen
A few pictures from the electronics market in Shenzhen, China.
The tour continues! On Sunday was the expedition to the Shenzhen electronics market called 'SEG'. We've heard many amazing things about this place - it was time to really check it out.

Tom, Leah, and Wendell checking out the map.

The number of tall buildings and construction is astounding. Most looked like this one with a crane, lots and lots of bamboo scaffolding, and green cloth mesh. Tens of stories tall - who needs metal?
Did I mention they are building?

The electronics market was heaven. Like a kid in a candy store. Absolutely crazy. Thousands of people bustling through a very tightly packed space.

Candy. Candy. Candy!


The first building was 8 floors of wall to wall vendors. 8 floors! And that was only one building. I think I made it through three buildings before my head started to split open.

After the market, Leah, Tom and I walked around Shenzhen a bit just taking everything in. The architecture is pretty amazing considering the city was only started in the 1980s. Unfortunately the air pollution is so bad it always looks like it's going to rain when you walk outside. I swear these buildings go on as forever, but you simply cannot see them because of the haze. It's bad.
More factory tours today! Be sure to keep an eye on
the gang's flikr accounts as photos go up.