Friday Product Post: Gestures Do Oft Prove Prophets

A new revision of the popular ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor and four handy Clincher connectors!

Hello, and welcome back to another Friday Product Post! Pardon the Shakespearean pun of a title this Friday but, frankly, it's hilarious and we aren't sorry! This week we are very happy to bring you a new revision to the popular ZX Sensor (now utilizing SMD parts) as well as four Clincher connectors that are sure to help you in e-textile and flex/force projects. Without further ado, let's dive in and see what we have this week!

Aw, what a kind gesture!

ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor


The ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor is a touchless sensor that is capable of looking for simple gestures. Developed in conjunction with XYZ Interactive, the sensor uses their GestureSense® technology to recognize the distance of an object away from the sensor up to about 12 inches (30cm, referred to as the “Z” axis) and the location of the object from side to side across the sensor in about a 6-inch (15cm) span, referred to as the “X” axis. You will be able to use I2C or UART to communicate with the ZX Sensor via a microcontroller or computer.

We still have a few of the previous version of the ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor available at a discounted price. Once the old version is gone we will not be restocking them!

Amphenol FCI Clincher Connector (2 Position, Female)


These Clincher connectors from Amphenol FCI can be used to terminate Flat Flexible Cables (FFCs) to an easy-to-use standard header. Simply insert the end of the cable into the connector and press it closed. The teeth inside the connector will "clinch" around the conductors and break them out to two female 0.1" spaced pin headers!

We also have male connectors!

Amphenol FCI Clincher Connector (3 Position, Male)


Need three positions instead of just two? We have you covered with these connectors as well. Be aware that with the extra Clincher inside it may prove to be slightly more difficult to lock in place.

Never fear; we also carry these connectors with female headers!

Alright, folks, that's it for this week. We hope you found something that interests you. As always, we can't wait to see what you make with these components! Shoot us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to see what projects you’ve made!

We'll be back next week with even more new products. See you then!