Raspberry Pi Tutorial Roundup

We work with the Raspberry Pi pretty often here, and with a new version releasing we thought it would be a good time to gather our best tutorials and a few good add-ons.

Now that it's Pi Day +1 we wanted to take some time exploring the how-to of working with a Pi. It's crazy to think only five years ago the original Raspberry Pi was just being introduced, and now it's become a staple of DIY electronics. We invite you to check out some of our best Pi resources, stretching all the way back to Twitter monitoring in 2013!

Raspberry Pi Twitter Monitor

How to use a Raspberry Pi to monitor Twitter for hashtags and blink an LED.

Bark Back Interactive Pet Monitor

Monitor and interact with pets through this dog bark detector project based on the Raspberry Pi!

SD Cards and Writing Images

How to upload images to an SD card for Raspberry Pi, PCDuino, or your favorite SBC.

Raspberry gPIo

How to use either Python or C++ to drive the I/O lines on a Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi SPI and I2C Tutorial

Learn how to use serial I2C and SPI buses on your Raspberry Pi using the wiringPi I/O library for C/C++ and spidev/smbus for Python.

Raspberry Pi Zero Helmet Impact Force Monitor

How much impact can the human body handle? This tutorial will teach you how to build your very own impact force monitor using a helmet, Raspberry Pi Zero, and accelerometer!

Using Flask to Send Data to a Raspberry Pi

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the Flask framework for Python to send data from ESP8266 WiFi nodes to a Raspberry Pi over an internal WiFi network.

Raspberry Pi Stand-Alone Programmer

This tutorial will show you how to use a headless Raspberry Pi to flash hex files onto AVR microcontrollers as a stand-alone programmer. It also tells the story about production programming challenges, how SparkFun came to this solution, and all the lessons learned along the way.

Raspberry Pi has also spawned a huge line of kits, spin-offs and accessory products that would never exist without this revolutionary little SBC. Here's a quick roundup of some of our favorites!

SparkFun Pi Wedge


Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kit


pi-top (Gray)


SparkFun PiRetrocade


SmartiPi Touch


SparkFun Pi Servo HAT


Pi Desktop


Helium Ethernet Starter Kit (Raspberry Pi)


Thanks for reading today. We hope you found a resource or product to help you better utilize Raspberry Pi. Check in tomorrow for our Friday Product Post with more detail about our new Raspberry Pi 3 B+ offerings!

Are you an educator or parent looking to introduce Raspberry Pi to young makers? Check out today's SparkFun Education blog for "5 Projects to Make With Your Students Using Raspberry Pi."