October Artemis Update

Let's take a close look at all the new updates for Artemis that have recently been released!

It's been a little over a month since we officially released our FCC-certified version of the SparkFun Artemis Module. Three RedBoards were released along with it: The RedBoard Artemis, the RedBoard Artemis Nano, and the RedBoard Artemis ATP. A few weeks after, we were able to release two additional boards that utilize the open source module - the Artemis Thing Plus and the Edge 2 - bringing six unique options to interface with Artemis! So what's new? Well, we're happy to let you know that we have two new updates that were pushed yesterday afternoon, and a planned date for an Edge 2 update!

  • RTC Library - Real Time Clocks are a heavily implementable asset for electronics and now a library based on the Ambiq SDK EVB2 RTC example has been incorporated into the Artemis Arduino Core!

  • Ambiq Suite SDK & BSP - A copy of the AmbiqSuite SDK is now available on GitHub, making it even easier to dive into "pro" development with Artemis! Additionally, the latest Board Support Packages (BSPs) for Artemis-based boards used in the AmbiqSuite SDK are now available.

  • Camera Interface - For everyone asking when camera support is coming to the Edge and Edge 2 development boards, you are in luck! We plan on releasing support for cameras on the SparkFun Edge Boards in mid-October! Thank you for your patience!

Artemis in Red!

You can check out all these features in our newsletter. Feel free to poke at the code as well! We've included examples for all the features of the Artemis in our Arduino Core.