The Next Industrial Revolution

A thought-provoking article from Wired and a project from one of our own!

Wired Magazine Editor-in-Chief Chris Anderson wrote a pretty interesting article entitled "In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms are the New Bits." He actually mentions SparkFun a few times, but that's not really the point. The article is a nice look at the maker revolution and shows how the projects you are working on in your tinkering room can actually be pretty darn important. Worth a read for sure!

We also have a pretty fun project coming from SparkFun tech support guru Tim. If you're anything like other guys around my age (20-somethings) NERF guns were very much a part of your adolescence. They were simply awesome toys, at least for the first day you used them and then lost every dart.

Well, Tim took a fairly standard (read: ultra rad) NERF gun and outfitted it with a proximity sensor, an Xbee, and some clever mechanical engineering bits to unleash a flurry of foam darts of unsuspecting victims. Perfect for sneak attacks on your friends, your dog, or your girl/boyfriend (maybe not the best idea though). We'll get some video of this up shortly. Read more about Tim and his project on his website. Good work, Tim!