Using the ESP32 Thing to make an adapter for my headphones
Has something ever broken on you, and instead of doing the normal, sane thing, you think of an obtuse work around that turns into a project? Well that's exactly what happened to me and I'm glad it did!
A good while ago the headphone plug on my phone got a bit out of shape and wouldn't make good contact with any TRS jack. I knew full well that, even if a tiny bit tedious, I could replace the part myself, but what if... I just.. made myself a Bluetooth-to-headphone adapter instead?
In my personal blog I have a casual write up of the process. I used the same audio chip on the Teensy Audio Board and went about figuring out how to get all the right things hooked up together to get some sound!
The experience was full of a lot of learning and some strange problems, but was a very good stepping off point from of my previous and very first SMD PCB project. In the end I walked away with a functional but not perfect project - there's a lot of room for improvement, but the needs were met and it was time to move on to more creations!