Digikey Sort By Price

Grr. Getting Digikey to sort by price using Greasemonkey and a nifty plugin to Firefox written by Alex Leone.

I'm not the first person to request 'sort-by-price' on Digikey. I have no idea why Digikey would avoid a feature like this (perhaps special agreements with their suppliers?). So if you're like me and often need to find just the cheapest 2 by 1-to-4 mux, here's a quick tutorial to show you how to get sort-by-price on Digikey:

This works with Firefox. There may be options for IE/Chrome/Safari as well but I have not looked.

Step 1 - Install Greasemonkey for Firefox


Last night this worked great. But of course, this morning greasemonkey seems to have a corruption with the download of their newest version. So I downloaded one of the older versions - worked just fine.

Step 2 - Download the Digikey Sort By Price script by Alex Leone. Just click on the 'digikey_sort_by_price.user.js' link and Firefox will pull it in.

Now hit Digikey and enjoy the sort by price goodness.
