SMD Soldering Class

Come check out our next class - SMD Soldering on June 9th!

Surface mount device, or SMD, soldering is a great skill for the DIY electronic enthusiast to have. Unfortunately, it can be a little bit intimidating looking at tiny parts and knowing you have to solder them down on your PCB. However, we here at SparkFun are firm believers that anyone (that includes you!) can solder SMD and we'll teach you how!

On June 9th, SparkFun is hosting an SMD Soldering Class. We provide you with the tools, parts, and tips on how to solder SMD components. At the end of the night, you'll not only have a working Simon kit to show off to your friends, but you'll own a working knowledge of SMD soldering techniques that will allow you to solder up your own boards without fear!

While we are talking about classes, don't forget Maker Faire 2010 in San Mateo, CA is coming up May 22-23. SparkFun is sponsoring and will be there in force. We'll be bringing both SMD and PTH kits with us to teach soldering workshops. Check out the SparkFun Maker Faire page for more info. Hope to see you there!