Burning Man Wearable Computing Fashion Show

Come strut your blinky stuff on the currently-being-assembled catwalk.

It's time again (depending on your Labor Day weekend plans) to pack up your blinky and fur and sunblock and get yourself out to the Black Rock desert for the 25th annual Burning Man festival!

Burning Man is a fantastic experiment in both radical self-expression and self-reliance. It provides an excellent opportunity to take some time away from your "default reality" and get in touch with your inner-dustbunny. Several SparkFun-ites are going this year, and we hope to see you there.

Where's Waldo? You have to checkout this high-res photo  (Warning: it's 9MB)

One of our friends has already sent an update. Lynne Bruning is already on-site at Black Rock City, and wants you to participate in a fashion show!

From Lynne:

Center Camp begins...

That's right my desert bound playa freaks, I am hosting a Wearable Computing and eTextile Fashion Show at North 40 degrees 46.90ʼ, West 119 degrees 12.772ʼ. Nikoʼs amazing crew is pounding nails and laying cable in the Center Cafe and I am busy gathering the most innovative wearable computing clothing designers so that YOU can strut your electronic clothing designs talent on the Main Stage!

Date: Thursday, September 2nd, 2010
Time: 8 - 8:30PM
Location: Main Stage, Center Camp, Black Rock City, Nevada
How to Participate: Email me or show up wearing your designs at the Center Cafe Main Stage
at 7:30PM ready to walk the walk!
Details: http://www.lbruning.com/uncategorized/wearable-computing-fashion-show/
Contact: lynne@lbruning.com

Speaking of you, what are you bringing? We here at SparkFun think this event is exactly the type of community we'd like to foster, and we'd like to hear which SparkFun widgets you'll be using in your art installation/grey-water evaporation rig/remote bicycle location system/etc. Hope to see you out there!