Copenhagen Suborbital

Remember our trip to Copenhagen? Well we have lift-off!

Back in September of 2010, SparkFun's CEO Nate Seidle and our photographer Juan took a trip to Copenhagen to check out Copenhagen Suborbitals (and a bunch of other cool stuff). Originally the trip was planned to view the launch of their suborbital spacecraft, but technical complications delayed the launching. We are happy to say that the wait is over, and just this past week, the launch took place!

As you can see from the above video, it was a pretty impressive spectacle. You can read tons of information about the launch on the Copenhagen Suborbitals website. Really - go check it out. I can't stress enough how much cool information there is on that website. This was an amazing project that we are proud to have been a part of (albeit, a small part).

While we were in Copenhagen, we took a ton of video that we have just now been able to sort through (what can we say? We've been busy!). Check out the above video for Part 1 (of 3) of our Copenhagen Trip. Look for parts II and III in the coming weeks! 

Congratulations to all of those people who worked so tirelessly to make this project happen! Amazing work! Special thanks to Jessica Grenier (professional photographer), and Sam Miller (videographer from The Rehab).