How Low Can You Go?

Check out the SparkFun Laser Limbo Project!

Back in October, SparkFun held the first ever SparkFun Open House. We invited anyone and everyone to descend on SparkFun headquarters to check out the offices, chat about electronics (or anything, for that matter), and hang out for the day. All of the different departments came up with various activities to help keep the day interesting. One of those is this projects\ (and now tutorial): Laser Limbo. Check it out!

To build a laser limbo apparatus, SparkFun engineer Jordan used an IR LED, an IR receiver and the powerful Arduino Mega 2560. With these parts, Jordan set out to figure out how to make the IR LED turn on and off at 38KHz and how to monitor the output of the receiver.

Of course there was also a decent amount of physical construction and the above installation is what Jordan came up with. To read more about the timer configuration, programming, infrared detection, and more, check out Jordan's tutorial!