Greetings from Customer Service

An introduction to our Customer Service squad.

Well it’s been over a year since SparkFunians out there last heard from Customer Service but let me assure you that we are alive and thriving! New faces - voices and email signatures for most of you - have joined the Customer Service team. We all come to SparkFun every day excited and ready to help fuel the innovation around the world! We wanted to make this post to introduce ourselves and maybe put a face to the voice on the other end of the phone.

We love hearing all the questions, comments, problems and especially the frequent thank you's. It always makes us feel good to know that all your questions are answered and that your feedback is used to make SparkFun a better place.

We made it through our busiest holiday with flying colors and are anxiously awaiting the beautiful spring season where our hobbies can flourish. On any given week we could be organizing electronic music festivals and dominating ping pong games like Nick or gigging all over town like our resident musicians Gordon and James. One is a blastbeat factory (AKA, a drummer) in a group called Ironhorse and the other plucks a banjo like no other in a band named Chain Station. An extra congratulation to James and his wife Jessica who are also expecting their first child later this year!

When not handling returns and back-orders, Brandon will continue the mastery of his new 8-string guitar and enjoying classic 80’s action movies. Or like Fran, who - when not helping our distributors - is a rowing coach and avid trail hiker with our mascot dog and comedy relief Brantley. Let’s not forget Casey. Even though her beloved Denver Broncos didn’t win it all this past season, she still has high hopes for the upcoming season and is excited for her daughter Lena to turn three!

We all sound pretty crazy right? It only takes a fearless leader to keep us in check and that weight falls directly on Paul. Our yoga and Crossfit master makes sure that he always has an important answer ready as well as a flying Koosh.

Although we haven’t received any odd/awesome thank you gifts recently, we still cheers you every day and thank you for your continued support!

-Customer Service