Please register if you want to check out the SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition.
The SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition (or AVC) has quickly become one of SFE's favorite traditions. It started as a small, family-friendly robotics competition that served to break up the long gap between Free Day and Maker Faire San Mateo. We held the event in April (usually right around tax day) and the first year, we had probably somewhere around 75-100 spectators. In our minds, it was a resounding success.
In case you're wondering, that's me front and center. Not wondering? Fine then.
From there, the event really took off. Despite some rainy spring weather, we've had hundreds of spectators, added live music, food carts, and a bunch more entries. The rules have evolved over time and, each year, the race becomes more and more competitive. We're really happy with the shape the AVC has taken.
This sums the AVC up pretty nicely.
This year, we are anticipating the best AVC yet. We have a lot of great entries, have moved the event to the more weather-friendly month of June (June 16th, 2012, to be exact), and are expecting a great crowd. While competitor entries have been sold out for some time, we ask - nay, beg! - that if you want to attend as a spectator, please register at our EventBrite page. It's free and will help us plan logistic things like how many cupcakes we need. You want a cupcake, right? Then register!
Hope to see you out there! If you have any questions, please leave them below in the comments and I'll do my best to help you out. Cheers!