It's AVC Day at SparkFun! Watch the events unfold, LIVE!
Update: That's it, folks! Thanks to everyone who was able to make it out for the event, both contestants and spectators alike. Also a huge thanks to the fine people who followed along online. We hope everyone had a good time, I know we all did!
See you next year!
It's AVC Day! Welcome once again to the SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition - the event that pits machine against machine in a race around the SparkFun World Headquarters in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. The event starts around 9am MDT and will run until 5:30pm or so.
This year we've beefed up our camera presence and are going to be live streaming the event on ustream, which is embedded here for your viewing pleasure:
We'll have some additional folks hanging around our IRC channel (#sparkfun on FreeNode). Be sure to say hi to SFE_Pearce, who is actually sitting at the emcee's table - give him a shout!
So once again, welcome one and all to the Fourth Annual SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition!