SparkFun Heads to RAFT

Check out our workshops at RAFT!

This week (starting today!), the SparkFun Electronics Department of Education is heading to 2012 RAFT (Resource Area For Teaching) Symposium in Denver, Colo. The five-day teacher training event, which runs July 10-14, is an interactive opportunity for educators to learn strategies that effectively combine hands-on activities and curricula in the classroom. The activities SparkFun is hosting are:

  • Day 1, 7/10 - Conductive playdough/Squishy circuits
  • Day 2, 7/11 - Giant breadboard
  • Day 3, 7/12 - Sewing circuits
  • Day 4, 7/13 - Protosnap programming
  • Day 5, 7/14 - Protosnap embedding

If you are going to be attending RAFT, we would love to see you at one of our workshops. Lindsay Craig, SparkFun Education Outreach Coordinator, will be there with a team of fellow SparkFunners, so come by and say hi. Hope to see you there!