A thought-provoking article from Wired and a project from one of our own!
A deliciously designed maze and new products galore!
It's a special day when hardware guys recommend something that is software. I apologize if this sounds like a bad infomercial at 2AM. Dropbox has completely won me over. If you are like me, and have multiple computers that need to share files, Dropbox solves the file sharing and backup problems. I installed Dropbox on my home PC and a little icon sits in my task bar. I've got files on my home PC like my Eagle projects, my excel files, my docs, and my various collections of C code. So I drag and drop these into a folder on my C: drive, a folder called 'My Dropbox'. Simple enough. Then I go into work and install Dropbox. A couple minutes later I've got a folder on my C: drive called 'My Dropbox' and it's got all the files that my home PC had. I've got 2GB free, to
We've got a cool motion tracking project, a bunch of new products, and a reminder that the RoboJoust is just around the corner!
New ST micro LPR530AL dual axis gyro breakout boards, and ADXL345 evaluation board with Arduino/FAT32 combo, soldering class on Sept. 30th, smart card socket, and a powerful new GS407 GPS receiver module.
Advancements in our UAVs, a new optical tag system called the Bokode, and new products.