A few weeks ago I shared some research on absolute positioning without GPS. Since then I’ve continued digging into the subject, found a few more sources, and tried a few more things.
For this year's Open Source Hardware Association Summit, there was no venue. Instead, it was a completely virtual affair, allowing all of us to hear a host of amazing speakers from the comfort of our own homes.
Our attempt to fly a drone with some of the same technology as NASA and none of the international scrutiny.
Recently we introduced four new PIR boards that use Panasonic’s new EKM-series PIR sensor, and I was excited to put one of them into a build.
GNSS tracking has improved greatly over the past decade, but what about movement and position tracking without satellites? Is it even possible?
Sprint Academy is working to bring detailed data to sprint training using Arduino.
Nothing says "I love you" on Valentine's Day like a homemade gift. And if that gift happens to be made using 3D-printed parts, addressable LEDs and a phone app you create yourself - everybody wins!
Starting a brewery led to designing a better automatic keg washer that saves time and money.
A look back on all my engineering work with the artist Trey Duvall
Smart beds are a things, yes, but when they break they can get a little dumb.