Thank You for a Great Cyber Monday!

We hope you enjoyed the madness as much as we did.

Another SparkFun Cyber Monday has come and gone, and we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our customers who participated in the madness! We hope you enjoyed your Cyber Monday and were able to grab the parts you need to make your next project amazing!

Cyber Monday

On Cyber Monday (12/1/14) everything in our Actobotics category is 20% off.

That means everything from Actobotics Kits to DC Motors is marked down. If you're looking to start exploring the world of robotics, or stock up for your next build, this is a killer chance to do so.

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On Monday only, we are offering hourly flash sales from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mountain Standard Time, with 30-50% off on some of our most popular products.

These items have been hand-selected by our employees and are some of our favorite designs!

Here's the low-down on important details for the day:

  • Flash Sales are ONLY valid during their time window. If an item is sitting in your cart and the flash sale for it ends, the price will go back up!
  • There is no combining flash sale orders throughout the day.
  • Flash sales are a "while supplies last" sort of deal (which means no backorders!) - so get 'em while the getting is good.

Please note: We'll be working hard to get as many orders out today, but we can't guarantee our same-day shipping promise.